Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Tuesday 16 February

I am beginning to get the hang of this now so I will add blogs when I can.

We have had a perishing cold day here today with a breeze. It felt much colder than when we had the snow some weeks back. The dog had to have his coat on every time he went out. He does not mind the weather as long as he gets his walk. A day for the fireside. It's amazing that when it is springlike weather like last week that one wants to go and do some tidying in the garden and listen to the birds who seemed very busy also. Not a lot to report from here just cuts being made by the local council to save money as the government is not allowing them to raise the council tax for the 3rd year in a row. I wonder why not? Anything to do with a date in May? I keep out of politics as much as I can. will now try to post this but don't expect pictures etc. as I am not that good with the computer yet


  1. Try commenting on my own blog as commenting on others doesn't seem to work

  2. Hello dollymac,
    Welcome to Blogging...It was nice to read your comment on my blog. Thank You...I do hope that you will continue to keep us up to date with whatever you find yourself doing....If you ever need help please ask someone always seems to have the answer.
    Love Sybil xx
